The Pause

Ethan Exequiel
3 min readApr 9, 2020

The year 2020 was dreadful enough to even begin with but in this very moment there is barely any hope left for knowing when we will be able to return to our normal lives. A great pandemic has made its way around the world causing businesses and schools to shut down while families are required by law to remain at home and only to go out for groceries while maintaining a social distance. This confinement has left people feeling bored and miserable due to the lack of social interaction face to face with other friends and families. With the amount of time being at home for most people, there are pros and cons. The impact that quarantine can leave on people will vary depending on each individual around the world.

Looking through a perspective of being high school student, this change was a big deal since we wouldn’t be able to attend school regularly and participate in our extracurriculars like we usually would. Video calls and online videos were considered by many teachers to continue to teach their courses so students will be given the learning opportunity and fulfill their high school credits. Adapting strictly to online learning was somewhat a challenge because of how many different emails from the school and from teachers are being sent out in order to keep everything on pace and figuring it all out. Some teachers started to use different methods than other teachers when turning in assignments online so it is hard to keep track which is which. There were just so much going on school-wise it all came pretty quickly. It was up to students to understand getting their work and learning in.

Besides from school, being at home every day with family brought new habits and opportunities. My family has had a pretty consistent schedule getting through quarantine so far: parents working and kids learning from home. Due to being given more free time to myself, I have picked up activities I couldn’t have done with a busier schedule during time being at school. These include playing the guitar, skateboarding, working out, etc. I have picked up on these to keep myself busy and occupied so I don’t always feel entirely bored and miserable throughout the days.

Although this is a time where families should be connecting with each other, it has gotten where I get tired listening and talking to them because there is nothing really new to talk about besides the virus. To cope with this I have been connecting with my friends via text, social media, facetime, and online video games. This is mainly my motivation of getting through each day; if i finish my work, I will have time to talk to friends.

To sum it up, the impact of being quarantined through a worldwide pandemic has brought changes to everyone’s lives and we all have to push through it together by adapting to the situation.

